Agromisa – 80 Years of Sharing ‘Tropical Agriculture’ Knowledge Worldwide has been Donated to the NDKC project.

80 years Agromisa: a dynamic and challenging history
Bring agricultural know-how to bear directly on rural development in the tropics. This simple idea inspired generations of students at Wageningen University & Research. When growing experience in rural development diminished the role of enthusiastic youngsters, graduates and old hands retiring after years spent in the tropics took over.
Agromisa has recently celebrated its 80th anniversary, and surely a unique achievement for an organisation born long before the term ‘development aid’ came into vogue!
Most of the organisation’s rural development expertise has been published in the Agrodok Series; a body of work covering a broad scale of topics from Improving lowland rice cultivation to Entering the organic export market. This outstanding series has been of great support to local farmers; teaching them practical knowledge as well as helping them how to professionalise their farming activities.
With changing times and various challenges Agromisa has decided in 2021 that it would donate its research work and library to the NDKC project. With this unwavering gift from Agromisa the Niger Delta Knowledge Centre project shall continue to be an intermediary in the process of disseminating the agricultural knowledge to ensure best practice in farming, fishery, forestry and food processing activities in rural tropical areas. Helping to increase local productivity and to great new opportunities for small-scale farming communities in the Niger Delta, Nigeria and other parts of Africa.
On behalf of the farming students, practitioners and the rural communities in the Niger Delta we thank Agromisa for 80 years of researching and transferring agricultural know-how for rural development of sub-saharan Africa.
Many thanks to all contributors; volunteers, authors, editors, illustrators and peer-reviewers work on the development of Agrodok series, etc.
Special thanks to the board members Marg Leijdens and Lineke van Dongen.
University & Student Collaborations
» Building academic libraries in the Niger Delta
» Waterborne diseases in the Niger Delta
» Corporate Social Responsibility workshops
» An academic consultancy approach.. (team A)
» An academic consultancy approach.. (team B)
» Academic consultations with university boards...
» International research collaboration...
» International consultations collaboration...
Tropical Agriculture
» Agromisa - 80 years of sharing...
» Agromisa - e-Library
» CAFE | Centre for Agriculture, Food, ...
Cultural Heritage
» Niger Delta - history, culture and heritage
» Intercontinental research project: documentation...
Mission Statement
The Niger Delta Knowledge Centre promotes reading and lifelong learning in the Niger Delta by providing students, teachers and researchers with a knowledge-hub; a hub that.. continue reading
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